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cippme 2019 上海国际包装制品与材料展览会【8.14-九游官网首页


发布者: packme|来自: 网络|2019-8-6 12:18
4833 1

cippme 2019 上海国际包装制品与材料展览会”是亚太地区唯一专注于包装细分行业——包装制品与包装材  料的国际专业展会。集中展示创新包装制品与绿色环保新材料,涵盖纸、塑料、金属、无纺布、木质、复合材料、玻  璃等包装。自创办至今已成功举办了十二届,展会规模逐年扩大,专业观众成倍增加。10 年砥砺奋进,使 cippme  成为包装制品与包装材料行业最具权威性、最值得业内信任的国际专业展会。

 "cippme 2019 china international packaging products and materials exhibition" is the only procurement  grand gathering that focuses on subdivided trade structure of packaging - packaging products and packaging  materials, which demonstrates intensively- innovative packaging products and environmentally- protective new  materials covering paper, plastic, metal, cloth, wood, glass and other packaging. the exhibition has been  successfully hold for twelve sessions according to market demand since founded in 2007, which has been highly  appraised by exhibitors and buyers with an exhibition- returning rate of 80% and a growth rate over 30% for its  strong professionalism and wide publicity level, balanced development of both domestic and international markets,  new products on site closely relating to market pulse as well as complying with customers' demands. it's honored as  the most professional platform with the special information of exhibition trade market.

 展会基本信息  展会时间:2019 8 14-16   展馆地址:上海世博展览馆  展览面积:55000 平方米  展会宗旨:创新包装 绿色环保  主办单位:上海禾欣展览服务有限公司 中华全国工商业联合会 中国包装行业协会  承办单位:上海禾欣展览服务有限公司  展商数量:来自海外 30 多个国家和国内 20 多个省市的 600 参展商 8 月与你相约  观众数量:来自海外 40 多个国家和国内 20 多个省市的 60000 名专业观众到会参观

exhibition overview  date: august 14-16, 2019  location: shanghai world expo exhibition & convention center(pudong new area) exhibition area: 55,000 m2  exhibition purpose: innovative packaging, environmentally protective  sponsor: shanghai hexin exhibition services co., ltd. all-china federation of industry and commerce china  packaging industry association  organizer: shanghai hexin exhibition services co., ltd.  number of exhibitors: 600 exhibitors from over 30 countries overseas and over 20 provinces and cities domestically  will meet with you in august  number of visitors: 60000 professional visitors from over 40 countries overseas and over 20 provinces and cities  domestically will attend the exhibition.

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